Daily Prayer for Tour de CROSS

May the Lord Jesus Christ be with You.
That He may Defend You.
Within you, that He may Sustain You.
Before You that He may Lead You.
Behind You that He may Protect You.
Above You that He may Bless You.
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
(St. Augustine)

This is where we are going!

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

2000 Mile Marker

After departure from Yellowstone, and a fast-paced 80 mile ride, we arrived at St. Anthony's in Cody yesterday just in time for 5:00 Mass. Fr. Clark welcomed us into the rectory, and we decided to take a day off here, mainly because everyone we talked to told us we should spend two days in the Buffalo Bill Museum. We definitely aren't spending two days there, but we did check it out today, and it was pretty sweet. However, we both agreed that neither of us are huge museum fans, as we find it difficult to simply walk around and stare at cool objects. Cody is a beautiful town with beautiful people. Fr. Clark is an extremely hospitable and knowledgeable priest, and was happy to offer an extra day of hospitality to us. Daniel and I have both learned so much already, just from the few conversations we have had with him. We also had the opportunity to attend a Carmelite Rite Latin mass today, which was an incredible experience.

I'm going to get a little more personal here, besides just spitting out the facts. I've been thinking a lot about how God works, and giving Him thanks for all the things he throws at us. We both set off on this trip because we wanted to serve: to serve the God who made us, as well as the people who are our brethren. Oftentimes, however, when you set out to serve and minister to others, you find that you yourself are the one who is being ministered to the most. Sometimes when you try to change others, you yourself become changed. That can be a good thing or a bad thing, but in our case, this summer, it has been good. Almost every place we stay, people are going out of their way to serve us. At first, it was difficult for me to accept that service, and it still is at times. But I have learned that in order to honor others, you sometimes have to let them serve you. There is a time to serve, and a time to be served. And when you are staying with people who are as holy and loving as the people we have been staying with, you really have to learn to be served. One thing we do know, however, is that experiencing the love and generosity of these people we have come into contact with has inspired and motivated both of us to become better servants ourselves, and that gratitude and inspiration will stay with us forever.

On a final note, I want to comment on how God has shaped our brotherhood these past five weeks. I think Daniel and I have both seen each other at our lowest points, as well as our highest points. We have seen each other at times of extreme spiritual highs, as well as times when we are struggling in sin and conflict. However, out of the internal conflict we have within ourselves, and especially the external conflict between each other, our brotherhood grows. Metaphor: riding a bike over a mountain pass. Getting there is difficult. You have to fight your way up, but upon reaching the top, we can celebrate, and the going gets a lot easier (for a while). You can figure out the rest of the metaphor (you can ride your bike your entire life, and you will never stop going over mountain passes). I've written enough (probably too much!), so go in peace, and may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep you, forever.

-One of us.

1 comment:

  1. nice reflections ... like the metaphor(s). may your ride continue to be blessed and a blessing to those you meet. and a blessing to each other.
    peace and love,
    daniel's aunt liz


The Load Down:

Welcome! We are David Edwards and Daniel Tansill. In Tour de CROSS (Christians Riding Over Several States), we will be riding from Tempe, AZ to St. Paul, MN, covering nearly 3,000 miles over a span of 60 days. Our mission for the trip is threefold: to be an example of God’s love, to promote Saint Paul’s Outreach (SPO), and to raise money for the continued growth of SPO at Arizona State University. We hope to gain your support for the mission that SPO has on college campuses across the country and especially here at ASU.

Saint Paul’s Outreach is an organization founded in St. Paul, MN in 1985, with the mission of “engaging young adults in a life of Christian discipleship.” SPO has grown in size and has spread to many other parts of the country, the newest location being here in Tempe, where it is supported by Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church. SPO focuses on bringing people to Christ through Christian community and discipleship formation.

Within our first year we have established a men’s and women’s household near campus as well as instituted weekly outreach nights, praise and worship, formation groups, “Fan Into Flame” retreats, and other events to promote community. We can see the power of the Holy Spirit working through SPO and changing the lives of many students. As we ride across the country, we will be staying at approximately 40 different Catholic churches, where we will promote SPO and be an example of God’s love to all we encounter. Working together as a community, we can make an impact in the lives of countless college students.

There is a faith crisis in college as students’ morals are challenged and bombarded with negative influences, and the evidence is clear as thousands of students are losing their faith in God. We believe that the college years are the most important time of formation in a young adult’s life and that now is a crucial time to reach them. Our fundraising goal is to cover the expenses of the trip and raise $30,000 to establish more households, outreach events, retreats, and to support the continued growth of SPO.

To make a financial donation to support our trip and further the growth of SPO please click the DONATE button at the top right-hand corner of this blog. All donations are tax deductible and you can receive a tax receipt within 2 weeks, upon request. If you would prefer to write a check, you can see the details for that in the corner beneath the donate button. Along with the financial support, we also need your prayers as we strive to follow God's calling in our lives.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to learn more about the trip or Saint Paul’s Outreach, offer us any advice, or just let us know that you'll be praying for us. If you have a Twitter, jump on and follow us at http://twitter.com/tourdecross. Thank you so much for your love and support. God bless you!